6 Health Benefits of Smiling Often

February 15, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — ranchopark @ 5:36 pm
smiling couple hugging

A smile—it can seem like such a small action, but it is in reality quite powerful. In fact, researchers have extensively studied the impact that grinning frequently can have on a person’s health. Some of the findings may surprise you! Check out these health benefits of smiling often!

Stress Relief

When your brain triggers a stress response with cortisol, your blood pressure rises, your heart rate increases, you can feel anxious, and other unpleasant symptoms can come up, actually impairing your ability to face the stress. Although it can be difficult to smile in this kind of situation, this simple act—especially when it’s coupled with laughter—can help calm down your body and ease the impact stress has on you.

Mood Boost

Did you know that a smile can be not only a result of happiness but also a cause? Studies have found that those who smile more often tend to feel more positive and happier as well as enjoy better mental health in general, likely because of the release of serotonin, one of the brain’s “feel good” chemicals.

Pain Tolerance

Have you heard of the expression, “grin and bear it”? When it comes to experiencing pain, trying to smile just might be something you should do! Smiling releases endorphins and serotonin, which are chemicals that naturally relieve pain.

Stronger Immune System

When your body is relaxed and running more smoothly, it can fight infections more effectively. According to research, smiling is an easy way to help your body remain in this ideal state and be better prepared, especially for cold and flu season!

Positive Impressions on Others

Humans are social creatures, which means that friends and family are important. Without a support system and meaningful relationships, overall and mental health can drastically decline.

Smiling in social situations can communicate many messages: friendliness, belonging, reassurance, confidence, success, happiness, trustworthiness, and much more. Smiling appropriately can play an important role in developing these meaningful relationships with others and help you feel supported and loved. As a result, your quality of life increases.

Longer Lifespan

Perhaps the most compelling finding in studies is that people who are positive and smile often generally have a longer life. In fact, it can add multiple years to your lifespan!

Obviously, general health depends on many factors, but smiling can clearly contribute to a healthier and happier lifestyle. If yours isn’t in the best shape, your dentist can help you correct oral health or cosmetic issues. It’s a small step that can have a huge, positive effect in both the short term as well as for years to come.

About the Practice

At Rancho Park Dental Group, Dr. Albert Silvera and Dr. Nicole Sassounian are concerned not only about patients’ oral health but also about their overall well-being. Whether you would like a cosmetic smile makeover or serious restorative treatment, the compassionate team is ready to help you achieve your goals and enjoy a higher quality of life. To schedule an appointment, visit our Contact Us page here or call our Los Angeles office at 310-575-0886.

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